Top 10 Benefits And Side Effects Of Banana.
Top 10 Benefits And Side Effects Of Banana - Eating an apple every day gives good health, but some people know that a banana can also be kept away from eating each day. Bananas contain many vitamins and nutrients that work in health benefits. Bananas contain some nutrients and compounds such as carbohydrate, vitamin A, c and B6, sucrose, fructose and glucose, such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium and natural sugars. All this makes Banana a super food, which is an integral part of a healthy daily diet. Bananas contain vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates that provide a quick supply of natural energy. In addition, banana is a healthy mixture of three natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose, which gives more energy. Banana is one of the fruits in which both are complex and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates give you endurance energy and simple carbohydrate quick energy. Only two bananas can be energetic for 90 ...