Prevention Of Skin Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment Of Skin Cancer.

Prevention Of Skin Cancer :- If you are looking for the prevention of the skin cancer, the symptoms and the causes you will get here answer to every question because here we have explained - the treatment of skin cancer, some effective tips for prevent the skin cancer and much more that is needed for you. Skin Cancer -
Prevention Of Skin Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment Of Skin Cancer.

The abnormal growth of skin cells is called skin cancer, which is often in the skin of the body of the body where the Sun light falls directly. Like face (back) of the neck (back side of nack) on women's skin of leg.

Prevention Of Skin Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment Of Skin Cancer.

However, some cases have also been seen in which the skin of the part of the body has skin cancer where there is no light of sunlight such as the palm, fingernail, fingers, Thumb skin and genitalia.
Skin cancer occurs when the skin cells develop into an abnormal manner. In this kind of unusual division condition, cancer cells are produced in large quantities. Skin cancer can be for every type of skin tone.
Whether it is dry skin, oily, or sensitive, the color of the skin is found to change color or skin, then this skin is the symptoms of cancer. If the Sun is avoided by the UV rays, then the skin cancer risk is low.
Skin cancer begins with the first layer of skin, which is known by the name of epidermis. Epidermis is the thin layer of skin that protects our skin. Epidermis is composed of three types of cells.
Squamous Cell - Cells directly below the upper layer of the skin, which plays a key role in the internal texture of the skin.
Basal cell - It produces new cells in skin or skin. It is just below the squamous cell.
Melanoma - Melanocyte cell skin pigment produces melanin, which determines the color of skin tone and skin. It is just below epidermis. When you are in sunlight or sunlight, melanin is produced in large amounts to protect the skin's inner layer.

If we talk about the types of skin cancer, it is of three types, one of which is very rare, very few people get to see.

Prevention of the skin cancer and the types of its.

Types of skin cancer: 

Basal cell carcinoma -
This cancer is commonly seen skin cancer, it is slowly in the lower layer cells of the skin and spreads to other parts of the body. It is necessary to treat it after getting the initial symptoms, it occurs in those parts of the body where the UV of the Sun. Light goes straight. Such as face, scalp, part of the back of the neck.
squamous cell carcinoma -
This skin cancer affects the upper layer of the skin. In most cases squamous cell carcinoma occurs due to exposure to the sun's UV light. These are usually found in people who spend much time in the sun, especially those with blue and blue eyes, those who have Fair Skin, people with less immunity are working.
Melanoma -
This skin cancer is the most dangerous, this cancer may have swelling or itching on the throat, it can occur anywhere on the body, it gets wounded rapidly, often due to many colors such as black, pink and Yellow color, when it is not prevented, it spreads in addition to the skin, in other parts of the body, due to which the condition becomes very critical, the cancer is very rare in people.

Symptoms and prevention of skin cancer:

If there are talk of skin cancer symptoms, there are many changes in the body, which makes it easier to detect that this skin cancer is like -
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is a painful cancer, in any part of the skin, there is constant pain in the cancer.
  • Both of these cancers come in the form of a blister, a small bump wound, or some kind of bump.
  • They always grow slowly after forming the form of bump and become bloody by becoming a wound.
  • The bright pink and red color marks on skin, light wounds, or bump or gum.
  • The painless rash of red on skin is visible.
  • Unusual edge shadows of a white yellow sticky type are visible.

Causes and prevention of skin cancer:

There are many reasons for which skin cancer is born, in which some of the causes are given here -
  1. Ultrasonic lip exposure, that is, exposure to sun's ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Using tanning beds can be a major cause of cancer.
  3. People with blue eyes, red hair, and fair skin are more positive for skin cancer.
  4. Immunosuppression is also the biggest cause of skin cancer.
  5. Some medicines such as prednisolone and chemotherapy, including HIV AIDS, may also cause skin cancer.
  6. Exposure to X-ray radiation and some chemicals etc. can also cause skin cancer.
  7. Sexual Infection
  8. DNA mutations.
  9. If there is a skin cancer in the first place, then it can also be a big reason.

Treatment and prevention of skin cancer:

There are plenty of skin cancer treatments in today's time, such as -
Surface medicines - in which the surface creams, gel and solution etc. are used to treat skin cancer.
EDC - The tumor space inside this treatment is scratched with the help of a sharpened edge tool and electric needle and it is eliminated.
Surgical Extension - The surrounding skin, including the entire tumor, is cut and separated.
Radiation Therapy - In this, radiation is used to burn tumors and surrounding areas.
Photodinemic Therapy - In this, cancerous tissues are eliminated using blue light and medicines.

Prevention of skin cancer:

There are many defenses to avoid skin cancer, which can be avoided by using this problem, such as -
  1. To avoid direct sunlight, you can also use protective cloths.
  2. Use good quality flax creams.
  3. Avoid contact with X-ray radiations.
  4. Do not use tanning beds at all.
  5. Avoid sexual infections.
  6. Avoid cancer-containing drugs and chemotherapy.
  7. Develop your immune power or immunity.


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