12 Effective & Simple Yoga For Losing your Weight or fat gradually | How Yoga Helps Reduce Weight.

12 most effective & simple yoga for weight lose, how yoga helps reduce weight:- Welcome my dear friends if you want to find effective yoga for weight lose and how yoga help reduce my weight then here you can read 12 most effective and simple yoga for loosing your extra weight or fat.
Most of us think at least once to lose weight by going to the gym. We also start to go to the gym and are excited to reduce our weight in the first few days but gradually the interest of practice with heavy gym equipment and complex machines starts decreasing.
12 Effective & Simple Yoga For Losing your Weight or fat gradually  How Yoga Helps Reduce Weight.
12 Effective & Simple Yoga For Losing your Weight or fat gradually  How Yoga Helps Reduce Weight.
But we have another option for this - yoga is very effective for weight lose. Yoga is best for good health, it is very useful for our body too. It not only strengthens the muscles, but it is also a remedy to increase digestive power.
According to yoga, our current lifestyle is one of the most important factors behind all types of mental and physical illness. And especially to grow obesity. Of course there are other reasons for having any disease, but in yoga it is believed that the way we live our lives determines how much we can be victims of any reason for it and How much a disease affects us.{read... 1 excellent tip for fitness}
In case of obesity, it is clear that the main reasons are related to lifestyle. The first reason is that food is too much food or too bad to eat for a long time. The second reason is lack of physical activity. Seeing these two together, they mean imbalance in the amount of energy - as much energy as we need, we are generating energy through eating more than that. To reduce obesity, yoga eliminates these two problems.
Let us tell you about some yoga that will help you lose weight –

How Yoga helps reduce weight (Yoga for weight lose) -

In the Yoga, the physical body is called the "Anum Kosh" (one of the five fundamental sources). The food we eat, which means that the direct connection of our physical body to yoga happens to what we eat. Therefore, food is the essence of the physical body and for this reason, food is also medicine for the body. Eat life by eating, and finally every life has content for the next life. Similarly, the wheel of life continues. {Read... Best tips for pregnant women}
According to yoga, food is not only the food consumed during our diet which is digested in our dietary system; It is also the nutrition that keeps life alive. For example, food nourishes our thinking and thoughts, our feelings, and relationships with ourselves and others.
Therefore, when we talk of obesity in yoga, we pay attention not only to the physical body, but also to focus on all aspects of our existence. And the way we nurture them and mobilize them, they are also given attention. For this reason, to maintain body weight, only special diets, or changes in lifestyle or just exertion is not enough. It is also important to pay attention to the level of consciousness, which is called mental energy in yoga, and on other aspects which are helpful for this power or energy.

Shakti Bandha series helps reduce obesity (Shakti Bandha yoga for weight lose)

Posture of power band chain is also effective in reducing obesity. Posture such as dynamic spinal cord, grinding, and boating, massage the stomach organs and help to smelt excess fat stored around them. These asanas help eliminate the energy bottlenecks in the stomach and pelvic region and manipura chakra (which is the source of will and self-assertiveness, and which controls all our metabolic processes). Take every seat of power chain for 1 minute, and as the practice progresses, it can be delayed more.

Surya Namaskar yoga for weight lose –

Surya Namaskar is considered to be very effective in weight loss. Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 yoga postures, one after which one is done with 12 simple pleasures of Surya Namaskar. All the asanas should be done in a special order and with the right technique. It's easy to help you lose your weight and help keep your body healthy. {Read... Yoga for asthma}
Surya Namaskar is very capable in reducing obesity. Surya Namaskar is a perfect practice in itself because it includes asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation all. This practice has a unique effect on endocrine and nervous system. This helps in correcting metabolic imbalance which is the cause of obesity and hinders weight loss. Being a dynamic practice, it is also an excellent exercise, like cycling, jogging or swimming.
Surya Namaskar from 5 to 8 times, and as the practice starts growing, you can do it more often.

Virabhadrasana yoga for weight loss -

Warrior pose is a very effective posture to lose weight. First of all stand straight on your feet. Remember that the separation between the two legs is somewhere around 3 to 4 feet. Now slowly move your hands over your head and drag it. Add both hands together. Now turn the upper part of your body to the left. Turn your right knee and feel the strain of your stomach muscles. Stay in this currency for a few minutes. Now repeat in your right direction. This posture removes the pain in the shoulder. It strengthens the lower part of your hands and back. This posture also tone your arm and shoulders. {Read... remedy for gray hair}

Halasana yoga for losing weight -

Lie down on your back for Halo (Plow Pose). Match your feet with each other and slowly move them upward. Now place your palms on the ground and slowly raise your waist and feet upwards. Now you turn your lower body backwards and let your feet come on top of your head. Keep your feet straight and touch the ground with a toe. Now slowly move your hands above the head and the toes on the outside. After staying in this position for a few seconds, gradually lay your back and feet on the ground. This seat is helpful in strengthening stomach muscles. It is very effective in making the digestive system efficient. It is also good for people to lose weight and people with spinal cord diseases.

Pawanmuktasana series helps reduce weight -

The best place to reduce more fatness is the posture of the Poonamuktan series. This series is very beneficial for the digestive system, and helps to remove excess fat from the stomach, hips and thighs, and activate energy in the lower pranic centers. This includes: Uttan Padaasan, Chakra Padanan, Padacha Chanchalan and Navasana. All these postures are very good to strengthen the stomach muscles (which are generally weak in obesity). Pavanmuktas should do every posture of the chain for a minute, and as the practice starts growing, it can be delayed more.
Trikonasana for weight loss -
Triangle Pose helps in back and digestive problems. To do this posture, make the appropriate distance between your feet and stand straight. Turn your right foot slightly to the right and take your left foot to 90 degrees. Take a deep breath, turn your body on the right, turn the breath outwards, bend down from the hips, keeping the waist straight, take the right hand down to the ground and lift your left hand up in the air. Thus, keep both of your hands in one direction. Now turn your head toward the left hand. Keep this posture for 30 seconds.

Dhanurasana yoga for weight lose -

Lie down on the ground with your stomach. Raise the breath, lift the chest from the ground and drag the feet towards the waist. Bring your hands back and slowly lift your legs and bring them to your buttocks. Turn the knees near the waist and hold your feet with your hands while breathing. Stay same for 30 seconds Bow Pose strengthens your hands, legs, thighs and muscles of your stomach, thus being able to reduce belly fat.

Ardha Chakrasana yoga for losing weight -

For Half Wheel Pose, you need to keep your feet close, standing upright. Now you spread your hands and take them back from your head backwards. Turn your arms back and backward, put the palms in front of each other and tilt your lower body downwards. Make sure your elbows are straight and your arms stay parallel to your ears. Take a breath for a while and leave it and then return to its real state. This seat is helpful in strengthening your stomach muscles and back. It also gives your body a better shape.

Padahastasana yoga for weight lose -

For the foot Under foot pose, you need to stand straight away. Bend your hips and touch your feet with your fingers. Try to keep your palms under your feet. Stay same for a few seconds and then release them. As you tend to bend downwards, there is pressure on your stomach and your belly tone. This helps to make you flexible and also improve your digestion.

Ardha Chandrasana yoga for weight lose -

Half Moon Pose helps to tone your hands, feet and buttocks. For this, you need to stretch your right hand, standing straight. Move the upper part of your body to the right and bow down till your right hand touches the ground. Now lift your left foot and left hand up in the air. Stay in this post for a few seconds. This is especially good for your feet and hip area.

Vajrasana yaga series to get rid of obesity -

From the Vajrasana series, we can choose some supporting postures, such as Vajrasana, Marjari Asana, Throne, Balasan, Shashank-Bhujangasan and Ushrasana. All these asanas are very powerful to tone sexual organs and to balance sexual energy, which usually decreases in a person who suffers from acne. It also helps in strengthening digestion and endocrine system. Vagarsan should do every posture of the chain for 1 minute, and as the practice progresses, it can be delayed more.

Pranayama yoga for obesity -

Pranayam also helps to stimulate metabolism to reduce obesity. These include: bhastrika, kapalbhati and sundarwadi, which are performed with the action that balances like pulse purification. The cold and cold resting ones are pranayama that affect various hypothalamic centers. Hypothalamic centers control thirst and give a sense of satisfaction on diet in healthy quantities.

Take special care of these things:-

  • Remember that the yoga practice is achieved only after continuous exercise and it gets gradually.
  • Do not increase the pain of joint with posture, for this, take the help of items that support the body, pillows and other instruments, during the exercise, as necessary.
  • Do not stress more than your physical potential. 
  • If pain increases, stop yoga immediately and consult the doctor. {Read... jaundice in kids}
So in the last step I want to say that the yoga for weight lose is very effective way to lose your extra weight, without any diating or special treatment.


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